*                           The phpCMS Online-Editor                           *

At this stage of development of phpCMS the online editor is not of top priority.
Online editing will be addressed by phpCMS 2.0.

In order to use phpCMS' edit mode follow the instructions below.
Have a close look at the files in the "demo" folder, and also at the templates
in the "templates" folder.

1) You need a working phpCMS setup

2) Decide which template you will be using for editing.
   This may be your standard template or you may create one for this purpose.

   At the top of the template file you will be using for editing, add
   "<START_EDIT>" (w/o the quotation marks).
   This is a hard coded tag that tells phpCMS where to look for content to edit.

3) At the end of the page template add the tag <END_EDIT>.
   This is where phpCMS will later display the editing controls.

4) MAKE SURE there are no <form> or <script> elements between the <START_EDIT>
   and <END_EDIT> tags.
   If needed you might be able to add a second <END_EDIT> tag
   (i.e. editing controls) in a different location.

6) In your content files you need to mark up the content fields you want to
   make editable:

   Single line text field:
      E.g.: {TITLE EDITTYPE="TEXT" SIZE="25"}
      When in edit mode this will turn your {TITLE} field into an editable
      text field 25 characters wide.

   Multiple lines text area:
      When in edit mode this will turn your {CONTENT} field into an editable
      textarea 20 rows high and 70 characters wide.

7) Open the project-file (e.g. "home.ini") and add a password for accessing
   edit mode.
   The password entry needs to look like this:
      EDITPASSWORD := mypassword
   Replace "mypassword" with something to your liking.
   Since phpCMS version 1.2.0 it is possible to define multiple passwords, 
   seperated by kommas, for example
      EDITPASSWORD := mypassword1, mypassword2, mypassword3
   This could be for example useful if you have different areas of your site with 
   different editor-passwords but you want to have an aditional password for the 
   adminitstrator to grant editor-access to all areas.

   Additionally the "Online-Editor" has to be activated in the configuration GUI.
   This switch was included to provide the ability of deactivating the editor

8) If all went well you may now access edit mode with the following
   parameters: "?phpcmsaction=edit", e.g.
   Or, if in non-stealth-mode:

9) If all of the above works you may try switching to custom subtemplates for
   the header and footer of your editing template.
   Subtemplates to be used in edit mode are included into the template thus:
      e.g. {EDITLINE FILE="path_to_subtemplate/end_edit.tpl"}
   The advantage of this method is that your editing subtemplates will
   only be used when in edit mode.